住所 62-46 Tomigasawa, Akasaka, Yokote-city
TEL +81 182-33-8800
アクセス ・About 10 minutes by car from JR Yokote Station
・About 15 minutes by bus from JR Yokote Station East Exit. Get on the bus towards Furusato-mura and get off at the last bus stop.

The Akita Furusato-mura is a recreation facility that can be enjoyed regardless of the weather. In addition to the area where optical illusion is exhibited, planetariums, studio in which can make handmade, craft exhibition hall with Akita traditional crafts, and Akita Prefectural museum of modern art also exists. There is also a restaurant where you can taste regional cuisine and locals' favorite food, as well as shops where you can buy souvenirs, confectionery, and gifts of Akita including Japanese Sake.

住所 34 Komekurasawa, Sannai-tsuchibuchi, Yokote-city
TEL +81 182-56-1600
アクセス About 7 minutes walk from Hiraishi JR Station on foot.

Sannai has actively interacted with other areas across the prefecture’s border since early times, as the north gateway of Akita Prefecture and also stopping point between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The entire area of Sannai is surrounded by mountains, so you can see beautiful changes of the seasons. Locally grown products in the rich nature are very popular in our shop. There is wonderful food culture such as ”Sannnai Imonoko(stickey potatos)”, “Iburigakko(pickles)”, “Sannnai Ninjin(traditional carrot)”, “grape”, “Sannai Touji(Japanese Sake)” and “Buckwheat Noodle” . You can enjoy warm welcome and relaxed atmosphere in the great nature.

住所 90 Hashimoto, Ono, Yuzawa-city
TEL +81 183-52-5500
アクセス About 5 minutes drive from Yokobori JR Station.
住所 2 Matsunosita, Kosakakozan, Kosaka-town, Kazuno-gun
TEL +81 186-29-3732
料金 施設見学料金:大人600円 子供330円 ※3館共通券、常打芝居込みの料金もあり。
アクセス 20 minutes by bus from JR Towada-Minami station to the bus stop Kosaka-shouchuugakkou- mae

This building is established in 1910 as a welfare facility of Kosaka Mine. This is a half-Japanese and half-Western style wooden theatre. A clapboard style is adopted in the front exterior. That is painted in white. There are double-hung windows and serrated decorations which are lined up regularly. About the interior, there are tulip-shaped lamps on the ceiling. As you can see the octagon framework inside, it can be said that it is an elaborate western-style building. The tradition of Edo period is remained strongly in the gallery, two stage passages, the cut-out hole, the revolving stage and so on. Even now, many customers enjoy the regular performances and Kabuki play by famous actors.

住所 142 Naganosawa, Yonaizawa, Kitaakita-city
TEL +81 186-72-5511
アクセス About 15 minutes by car from JR Takanosu Station
住所 79-5 Kaginotaki, Ani, Kitaakita-city
TEL +81 186-82-3311
料金 ●ゴンドラ料金● <片道>大人¥1,400 小学生¥600 <往復>大人¥2,000 小学生¥900 障がい者割引あり(本人と介助者は¥200引き) ※冬期はリフトを含む共通利用料金あり。
アクセス By Car
・93 km (normally 1 hour and 50 minutes) from JR Akita station via Route 7, Route 285 and Prefectural Route Fukudate-Animaeda
・60km (normally 1 hour and 20 minutes) from Gojome Interchange on Akita Expressway via Route 285 and Prefectural Route Fukudate-Animaeda

By Train
・14km (normally 20 minutes) by taxi from Ani-Maeda station on Akita Nairiku Jukan Railway

By Air
・43km (normally 1 hour) from Odate-Noshiro (Akita-Kita) Airport via Yonaizawa and Arase on Route 105

Mt. Moriyoshi is known as one of the best 100 mountains of flowers and as one of the best 3 viewing spots of frost-covered trees. You can easily enjoy the view of pretty alpine plants in summer, colored leaves in autumn and magnificent frost-covered trees from a gondola. There is a shop and a restaurant. Rental services of ski wear and snowboard wear are available in winter that you can enjoy ski and snowboard without carrying the equipment. Please come and enjoy Mt. Moriyoshi.

住所 2-3-8 Nakadori, Akita-city
TEL +81 18-836-7865
アクセス About 5 minutes on foot from JR Akita Station

This facility is a complex, with Akita City Sensyu Art Museum, Atorion Music Hall, restaurant, and souvenir shop.
The restaurant is on the 12th floor and serves mainly Japanese crabs. The souvenir shop is located on the first floor of the basement, sells Akita traditional crafts, Japanese Sake, and Japanese sweets.

住所 109-2 Kamiegawa-kamiyachi, Tenno, Katagami-city
TEL +81 18-878-6588
アクセス ●About 15 minutes by walk from JR Kami-Futada Station
●About 6.2 km (10 minutes) by car from Showa-Ogahanto Interchange

Tenno Green Land is a large scale leisure spot for eating, shopping, playing, hot spring and sports. You can have a fun time here. The mascot character “Susanon” is waiting for you!!
You can see various flowers blooming from season to season while walking. You can also play sports such as ground golf and soccer. Then wash your sweat off in the hot spring, buy local vegetables at farmer’s market and have a barbecue in the open air with your family and friends!
After you spend with your family in the playground, Village of Susanoo, the gallery, the tradition museum and the carp pond, let’s move to “Sky Tower” and watch the sunset into the Sea of Japan! You should be fascinated by the beauty of nature! Here is the place where you feel good and comfortable!

住所 67-2 Nishino, Oosawa, Yokote-city
TEL +81 182-32-0126
アクセス It takes 30 minutes on foot or 7 minutes by taxi from Yokote JR Station.
住所 430 Waseda, Tazawako-sotuda, Senboku-city
TEL +81 187-44-3915
アクセス About 7 minutes by car from Kakunodate JR Station. (Free shuttle bus is operated: Reservation required)

Enjoy watching a play, taking hot springs, drinking craft beer, and staying at the hotel in Akita Art Village. Those are excellent healing experience that can enjoy with the five senses. “Warabi-za” is a musical theater which is drawing attention from around the world. We look forward to welcoming you.

住所 1-3 Kita, Ogata-mura, Minamiakita-gun
TEL +81 185-45-2641
アクセス By car
・90 minutes from Akita airport.
・60 minutes from JR Akita station.
・20 minutes from JR Hachirogata station on Ou line.
・20 minutes from JR Hunakoshi station on Oga line.

By air
・60 minutes from Tokyo
・70 minuted from Nagoya
・80 minutes from Osaka
・55 minutes from Chiba

Various events are carried out according to the season.
You can take a bath with a fruit floating on the 26th of every month as a bath day. Heat retaining, moisturizing, beauty, are nice effects for women's customers, so hope you like it as much as we like.

住所 57-4 Numamata, Iwaikawa, Higashinaruse-mura, Ogachi-gun
TEL +81 182-47-3555
アクセス About 30 minutes drive from Jumonji JR Station.
住所 39-7 Yanagisawa, Tsubakikawa, Higashinaruse-mura, Ogachi-gun
TEL +81 182-47-3101
アクセス About 30 minutes drive from Jumonji JR Station.
住所 48-2 Furudate, Kosaka-kozan, Kosaka-town, Kazuno-gun
TEL +81 186-29-5522
アクセス By Bus
Get a bus bound for Kosaka from JR Towada-minami station → get off the bus at the bus stop "Kosaka Shogakko (Kosaka Elementary School)" (about 25 minutes) → walk about 3 minutes

By Car
About 7 minutes from Kosaka Interchange
住所 111 Jamamesawa, Nibetsu, Akita-city
TEL +81 18-827-2221
アクセス Car
・About 13 kilometer, 30 minutes from Akita-chuo Interchange via Route 28 and 232.
・About 19 kilometer, 30 minutes from Akita-kita Interchange via 41 and 15.
・About 30 minutes from JR Akita Station.

・About 35 minutes from JR Akita Station. From No.12 bus terminal, take the Nibetu resort park line bus towards THE BOON. Get off at the Ski-jou-mae bus stop.
住所 48-1 Negoyazawa, Bouzawa, Kitaakita-city
TEL +81 186-62-4813
アクセス Drive Route 7 to Takanosu from Futatsui-Shirakami Interchange on Akita Expressway
住所 15-3 Aazaiwagata, Kurokawa, Nikaho-city
TEL +81 184-38-3765
アクセス About 5 minutes by car from Konoura JR Station on Uetsu Main Line
住所 97 Higashi-futatsumori, Moritake, Mitane-twon, Yamamoto-gun
TEL +81 185-72-4355
アクセス About 10 minutes by car from Akita Expressway Kotooka-Moritake Interchange.

We deliver safety, secure and delicious food from our Mitane-town to you.

住所 128-1 Yokosawa, Hinaimachi-ogida, Odate-city
TEL +81 186-55-0654
住所 142-1 Odatenakano, Kawatsura-cho, Yuzawa-city
TEL +81 183-42-2410
アクセス About 20 minutes by car from Yuzawa JR Station