
住所 62-46 Tomigasawa, Akasaka, Yokote-city
TEL +81 182-33-8800
アクセス ・About 10 minutes by car from JR Yokote Station
・About 15 minutes by bus from JR Yokote Station East Exit. Get on the bus towards Furusato-mura and get off at the last bus stop.

The Akita Furusato-mura is a recreation facility that can be enjoyed regardless of the weather. In addition to the area where optical illusion is exhibited, planetariums, studio in which can make handmade, craft exhibition hall with Akita traditional crafts, and Akita Prefectural museum of modern art also exists. There is also a restaurant where you can taste regional cuisine and locals' favorite food, as well as shops where you can buy souvenirs, confectionery, and gifts of Akita including Japanese Sake.

道の駅さんない ウッディらんど

住所 34 Komekurasawa, Sannai-tsuchibuchi, Yokote-city
TEL +81 182-56-1600
アクセス About 7 minutes walk from Hiraishi JR Station on foot.

Sannai has actively interacted with other areas across the prefecture’s border since early times, as the north gateway of Akita Prefecture and also stopping point between the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. The entire area of Sannai is surrounded by mountains, so you can see beautiful changes of the seasons. Locally grown products in the rich nature are very popular in our shop. There is wonderful food culture such as ”Sannnai Imonoko(stickey potatos)”, “Iburigakko(pickles)”, “Sannnai Ninjin(traditional carrot)”, “grape”, “Sannai Touji(Japanese Sake)” and “Buckwheat Noodle” . You can enjoy warm welcome and relaxed atmosphere in the great nature.


住所 90 Hashimoto, Ono, Yuzawa-city
TEL +81 183-52-5500
アクセス About 5 minutes drive from Yokobori JR Station.


住所 142-1 Odatenakano, Kawatsura-cho, Yuzawa-city
TEL +81 183-42-2410
アクセス About 20 minutes by car from Yuzawa JR Station


住所 285 Shinmachi, Masuda, Masudamachi, Yokote, Akita
TEL +81 182-45-5569
アクセス [By bus]
Take a bus towards Masuda district from JR Yokote Station or JR Jumonji Station. Get off at Yotsuya-kado stop and walk about 8 minutes.

[By car]
About 10 minutes from Yuzawa Yokote Expressway Jumonji I.C.

It is the only full-scale museum in Japan that stores and displays original manga. There is a gallery that shows the manga history, culture, and original drawings of famous comics from Japan and overseas. Also, visitors can enjoy manga books, weekly manga magazines, and animations.

道の駅十文字 まめでらが~

住所 21-4 Aza Kaido shita Jumonji machi, Yokote City
TEL +81 182-23-9320