
住所 187 Funato, Kitanaraoka, Daisen-city
TEL +81 187-72-4004
アクセス About 10 minutes by car from Kariwano JR Station.

It is located along Route 13 in Daisen City. There is Ichirizuka (milestone) which indicates the distance from Nihonbashi, Edo (Tokyo). It has rarely remained both side of main road since Edo period.
We have wide range of specialties within Akita prefecture such as soft serve, rusk, and Kurumi Yubeshi those are seasoned with local specialty “Ajidoraku-no-sato bannou tsuyu (locally produced soy source with fish soup stock)”. Restaurant offers dishes using locally produced Akitakomachi(Rice) and ingredients. Lunch menu of the week is very popular. There is also farmer’s market selling fresh local vegetables. In addition, You can take a break at resting place open for 24 hours.


住所 9 Futsukamachi, Nagano, Daisen-city
TEL +81 187-56-2121
アクセス The nearest station is Ugonagano JR Station on Tazawako Line. It takes 15 minutes on foot.


This area has connections with Gosannen War.
Recommended local specialty: Misato Manma, Tofu Castella, Niteko Cider (Soda pop).

あきた芸術村 わらび劇場

住所 430 Waseda, Tazawako-sotuda, Senboku-city
TEL +81 187-44-3915
アクセス About 7 minutes by car from Kakunodate JR Station. (Free shuttle bus is operated: Reservation required)

Enjoy watching a play, taking hot springs, drinking craft beer, and staying at the hotel in Akita Art Village. Those are excellent healing experience that can enjoy with the five senses. “Warabi-za” is a musical theater which is drawing attention from around the world. We look forward to welcoming you.


住所 7-19 Omagari-Omachi, Daisen-City, Akita
TEL +81 187-73-7931
アクセス About 10 minutes on foot from JR Omagari Station

A fireworks museum in Daisen City, where "Omagari National Fireworks Competition" is held. It is a facility where visitors can fully enjoy the fireworks through valuable materials, realistic models, and video.